I believe in rising- I believe in song and sacred dance- I believe in love, and pain, and tears, and earth, and children, and dreaming, and Dr. Seuss worlds. I believe in healing and forgiveness and expression of experience. I believe in silence-in season-in GOD. I believe that I am ever changing the depth and clarity of my beliefs. I believe in life. I believe in the call of the coyote and the rhythm of the eagle’s flight. I believe in the whispers of the lakes and the toes of the snow fall. I believe that making love creates the greatest art on the canvas of our existence. I believe in red wine and tear-filled midnights before a raging fire. I believe in Andrea Bottelli and camp fire guitar strings. I believe that faith spawns strength and regret spawns death. I believe in yesterday, today and tomorrow. I believe in the rose’s fragrance as a bud and as fallen petal. I believe in my daughters and in their seeds of promise.
— Piper Dellums

Be Touched, Moved, & Inspired… (click arrow to play.)